The non-profit association
Estonian Association of Designer Bookbinders
was founded in 1996 and the eleven members of it are professional applied
artists joined together by bookbinding and by belief in the necessity of
that kind of art in the cultural scene of the world. That is why the association
has made its purpose to organize pentennials, i.e., in every five years
the international exhibitions of artistic bookbinding "Scripta manent"
(writing remains) takes place. Artists can express themselves through exciting
bookbinding techniques and materials, through exuberant compositions and
diverse embellishments. Flight of thought is curbed only by the author him/herself
and the text.
The association also organizes smaller exhibitions
at homeland as well as abroad, runs courses, workshops and seminars here
and there, introduces Estonian artistic bookbinding, makes contacts with
colleagues, incites learning, searches and distributes professional information.